I just don't understand when my tiny little baby...
Turned into this little guy!
Cash is now 6 months old! He is getting so big... it seems like he is growing by the minute! Some exciting new tidbits about this little guy... he is now crawling! Only about 2 or 3 steps at a time, but somehow he manages to make his way around the house that way. It amazes me when I turn my back for just a minute and I look back at him to see him in a completely different spot from where I last saw him. Also, this little guy has two teeth and has discovered his love for biting. One of his favorite things to do is scoot up next to my feet and bite my toes! He still isn't the best sleeper, but that's ok... we still love him like crazy. I guess I can catch up on sleep in a few years, right? Also, the past week he has been trying his hand at the sippy cup. He loves playing with it, but I don't think he knows that he is supposed to drink from it yet. Any mamas out there with good suggestions on sippy cups?
Matt and I are so in love with our little Cash Man and feel so blessed to be his parents! Isn't life wonderful? We sure do think so :)
Matt and I are so in love with our little Cash Man and feel so blessed to be his parents! Isn't life wonderful? We sure do think so :)
Oh Gosh how time flies! He looks so big in that picture. I meant to tell you... I think sippy cup age is closer to 9 months. When I was up north... there were a few babies around 10 months that were justs starting to figure out what the heck the thing was. Just let him hold it and play with it now... and then start pushing for him to drink it around 9-10 months. Let him be little! He already is doing everything SO SO fast. Remember what Darius Rucker says Hil.... "It wont be like this for long" Ha Ha... Howd you like that lecture??? Love Ya!
He's so cute. I can't believe he is crawling. What a stud. It does not seem possible that he is already 6 months...and 2 teeth already! I think Savannah's a little slow in the teeth department. She didn't get her first two until 7 months.
Isn't it weird how one day you wake up and realize how big they really have gotten!!?!!
I agree with Aly about the sippies. There's no harm in letting him get used to them right now even though he may not get it right away. Even if he just sucks and plays with it. Then when it is time to switch over to cups for good he'll know what they are and it won't be so drastic.
I ask myself where the time goes all the time! Life is just so good with little ones that time flies! Is he starting to eat solids now! I was so excited for Gracie to turn 6 months so she could eat food! It's so fun feeding her like a big girl. I started sippy cups with water when I put her on solids. She likes to play with them at her high chair. I don't think sippy cups for a little bit every day hurts. Gracie is obsessed with her sippy cups!
Your little guy is so cute Hil. I can't wait to meet him someday!
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