Thursday, November 19, 2009

World's Greatest Husband!

I do not say this enough... I seriously have the BEST husband ever! I know most ladies think this, but I really know it. My poor Matty is always having to put up with his disabled wife! 90% of the time I can't move because of my hurt back and finally when my back feels a little bit better, what do ya know... I'm sick! I'm truly not meaning to complain at all, just paint a picture of what my hubby has to deal with. So, not only does he work so hard all day, he comes home, (this week with no dinner because I puke at the thought of cooking) eats his fast food and takes care of our little Cash Man. Did I mention that he gives Cash his bath EVERY night? WOW! I know, I am the luckiest girl in the world. Speaking of baths, I always mention to Matt how in our dream home we are going to have a huge jacuzzi tub and a TV in the bathroom so I can relax and watch TV in the bath. Last night as I was watching SYTYCD, Matt told me to stay downstairs for the next five minutes until he comes to get me. I knew he was doing something sweet because that is just him, so I was pretty excited :) He came down in a couple of minutes and had me close my eyes to lead me up to our bedroom. I was the happiest girl in the world when I saw a bubble bath with candles, and the best part of all... he moved the TV to the bathroom and had it on SYTYCD! My dream come true :) Man, I love him SO much! What would I do without him?Thank you for being so amazing Matty!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Cash!

I can't believe this was a whole year ago! Happy birthday to my sweet Cash Man! I love you SO much! Not a day goes by that I do not thank Heavenly Father for you! Thank you for bringing so much happiness, craziness, love and laughter into my life!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm the world's worst blogger...

I have a new goal to blog at least twice a week because my blog has been SO neglected lately... we'll see how this goes.

Life has been crazy busy lately... weddings, bridal showers, birthdays, etc. etc. etc. Seriously, this is the craziest time in our house and it won't slow down until the new year. I really should feel happy and blessed that we have so many friends and family to celebrate all of these special occasions with, and do not get me wrong, I LOVE it but it is also a little stressful! Usually, I am so laid back (maybe even a little too much) about money, however it is so crazy how much all of these things add up. And like they say, "When it rains, it pours!" Oh my, that is SO true! Oh well, I just need to pray that we make it through to January when things will slow down a little :) On a side note, Saturday was Cash's first birthday party and it went way better than I could have ever hoped, despite having all of our family crammed up in our HOT house (the air decided not to work that day). Everything was so fun though. I just have to learn to cherish these moments... oh he is just growing too fast! I seriously cry every time I think about it. I even teared up during "Happy Birthday!" Everyday I think, please just stay a baby one more day! OK, OK I have to move on from this topic because I am a little too emotional right now!

Lately, I have been trying so hard to find something fun for Cash to do that isn't ridiculously expensive. I mean, we can only go to McDonald's, splash pads, swimming, shopping, out to lunch and read so many times a day :) ha ha OK, you caught me I don't really do all of those everyday. I do however feel like I am running out of things to do. I try to be creative and fun, but Cash is SO hyper he wants something to do every minute of the day. So I have been looking for some classes for him and long story short, the more I look, the more motivated I am to just start my own toddler program of some sort. Probably like a Little Gym type... I will keep you all posted on that one :)

Thanks for listening to my rambling! Love you all and have a fabulous night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Pritchert #2...

I know after reading the title, you all think I'm pregnant... I am not! However, lately Matt and I have been thinking another one would be pretty great :) I know Cash would just LOVE it! He loves being around other kids, and lately I am feeling like I have a little too much time on my hands so maybe that is a sign that I should get busy again.....ha ha no pun intended! On a side note, Cash took his first steps about 3 weeks ago and now is a walking machine WOO HOO!

Monday, July 13, 2009

LOVE our families :)

Just some pictures of fun family time we have been having lately... we love all of you guys! Is there anything better than family? As dorky as it sounds, it seriously is my favorite thing to do, just have fun with the fam :)I have the BEST cousins! All weekend (and everytime we see them) they were so helpful with all of the babies... the sweetest girls ever!
Cash during the family olympics :)

Cash and Colby swimming in the ice cold water!

Cash's first ride on the 4 wheeler.

We tried to get a picture of all the kids on the raft... this is the best we could get .

Tay and Goo on "the boat!" Goober thinks she is a human, she loves to swim :)

Chloe and Namy!

So much fun in the pool :)

Cash and daddy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fourth of July Fun!

Matt and I went up to my grandparent's cabin in Lakeside to celebrate the Fourth of July. After a rocky start (only sleeping for one hour and then loading up the car at 2:30am so Cash would sleep during the trip) we arrived around 6:00 and were surprised to see that the entire gang was already awake... around 5:00am a bear came to visit in the backyard and got everyone a little excited, needless to say! Matt spent the day golfing with my uncle, grandpa and our brothers, while I stayed at home hanging out with the family. On Saturday, we held the 1st Annual Family Olympics! The Blue Team won the "The Shill Cup!" Of course Matt and I were on the winning team :) It is crazy how much fun you can have throwing footballs into pack n plays, seeing how far you can kick your shoe, playing volleyball, badminton and tug-a-war! Yes, we did all of those games in about 2 hours! Oh yeah, we also had a home run derby (sorry Blue team for letting you down on that one!) After the oympics,Matt and I loaded up the car with Cash and two of our favorite cousins and headed over to Taco Bell! As if that wasn't great enough, we jammed out to MileyCyrus and Taylor Swift the way there and back! ha ha I know, I need to be a 12 year old girl! That night we went down to Taylor for the 4Th of Ju-ly rodeo! I know July might look funny to some of you, but my family always laughs at how everyone there says it. Instead of July they say pronounce it like Jew Lie LOL! To our amazment little Cash Man was so well behaved a the rodeo. He loved looking at the horses and watching the fireworks! We always love going to the cabin in Lakeside and this is a trip we will never forget... mostly because we had 4 babies all sleeping in the basement with me, Matt and our siblings :) Sorry guys, hopefully next time Cash won't keep everyone up all night! It was a short trip, but oh so fun! Let's just hope the Blue Team can win the Shill Cup again next year ha ha!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cash's New Do!

I couldn't get any great pictures... but you get the idea :) While I do think $20.00 is ridiculously expensive for a baby's haircut, I think it just might be the best $20.00 I have ever spent! I love his new do :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So Big! Please stop the time!!!

I cannot believe how big Cash is... I just looked at him today and he looked like a little boy, not a baby. So crazy!!! Someone please tell me when he got so big!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Uncle Brett... this one is for you!

Man, look at this stud! How did we get so lucky as to have you for an uncle??? We thought we would share one of our fondest memories of Uncle Brett... We will NEVER forget Hil's first Christmas as part of the family. Hil was lucky enough to take home the gift from Brett! The movie 40 Year Old Virgin and a giant meat stick! Gotta love it. Only Brett would think of giving something like that :) We love you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I promised a picture...

Sorry Alsy... I stole this from your Facebook!!! But look at this little bundle of love! So cute!

Friday, June 5, 2009

YAY Again :)

Another baby girl was added to the family yesterday! Kylie Jo Slone was born! Congrats to Aly and Clint! She is absolutely adorable and perfect!!! After a rough morning, she came out in just three pushes (way to go Aly!) Speaking of Aly, she is looking so great! I cannot believe how beautiful and tough she is. You done good Al :) We are so blessed to have so many wonderful babies in our family. Pictures are coming soon... as soon as I can get them from Matt's phone.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


What a blessing! On Saturday, Adam and Sunny welcomed their baby girl Quincy into the world! Isn't she the cutest little thing? Congratulations you guys! We love you!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

23 going on 11...

Is it bad that I am obsessed with the same things as most 11 year old girls? Example: Matt and I went to go see Hannah Montana the Movie this weekend (well, really Matt left 20 minutes into the movie, but I stayed by myself... yes, an adult lady sitting in Hannah Montana by herself!) lol. It is definitely my new favorite, in fact I am going to buy the soundtrack on Tuesday. Seriously, I LOVE Miley Cyrus! She is amazing and I am not ashamed to admit it.Another 11 year old girl obsession......... ZAC EFRON! My oh my, I love him. It's ok, Matt knows about this crush and he doesn't mind :) Let's all just take a minute to appreciate his beauty!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Match made in Heaven :)

Muah ha ha ha!

I don't think we could be any more perfect for eachother, right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Just Pictures :)

There is really nothing new going on in the Pritchert house, but I feel I am due for an update... so here are some pictures for your enjoyment :)
So, I promise we are not mean parents who make their kid sit on a ride when he is screaming bloody murder. I just think this picture is priceless! I love the look on both Colby and Cash's faces. Believe it or not Cash was all smiles when Matt held the camera up to take this picture, and just as he was pushing the button on the camera Cash bumped his head on the back of the truck. This picture was the end result.

Happy Friday ya'll!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Haircut!

Cash has pretty much needed a haircut since he was about 3 weeks old... well, we finally got around to it a week ago. Matt and I just decided just to do it ourselves since it looked pretty easy. As you can tell from the pictures, Cash was not happy about this! After about 10 minutes of crying and cutting, he was done! Now his hair is making all the ladies swoon... what a stud!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where did my baby go?

All of the sudden, I have realized that Cash is growing up! Seriously, I feel like it has happened overnight. First, he started sleeping through the night :) Oh joyful day! OK, well he has really only done it once and that was a few nights ago, but he usually only wakes up once now and I just have to go in and give him his binkie and he goes right back to sleep :) And this isn't a big deal or really even worth typing, but I'm gonna say it because it is just more evidence of him growing up... I have been trying to get him for the past few weeks to switch from his baby binkie to the 6+ months binkie. Well, he loves his big boy binkie now... and he realized this on the same day he realized that he no longer wants a bottle! What?!? What 7 month old baby doesn't use a bottle anymore? Apparently, Cash. Yes, he only will drink from his sippie cup now. I know, he's nuts! But hey I guess I don't have to worry about getting rid of the bottle, right? Just two more things now... he is crawling everywhere (as you can see from the last picture). And I have a video of him from a few weeks ago pulling himself up. Is it bad that when he falls at the end you can hear laughter coming from his mom on the video? Cash on Easter!
He loves his ball :)

Crawling everywhere!

Man, time does fly. Sorry for all of the boring rambling about my little guy! I just can't believe all of the fun new things he is doing now!
Have a nice day everyone :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh Frank!

I decided to dedicate a post to our little monster, Frank. Poor Frankie used to be our little baby, but you know how it goes... he has fallen a little lower on the totem pole the last 6 1/2 months! For those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Frankie (note the sarcasm) he is the most hyper, out of control dog EVER! But, for some reason we still love him! His groomer puts it best, she always tells me that Frank is "a little rascal!" However, I have never met a sweeter dog. His entire purpose in life is to love everyone! We try to get him to chase birds, cats other dogs... you know the usual things dogs love, but no, he just wants to be everyone's best friend! He is such a sweet little cuddle bug, though at times it is a little too close... I know he is just trying to say "I love you!" So this post is to Frankie! I love you monster! And I am going to strive to be a better dog mom :)