All of the sudden, I have realized that Cash is growing up! Seriously, I feel like it has happened overnight. First, he started sleeping through the night :) Oh joyful day! OK, well he has really only done it once and that was a few nights ago, but he usually only wakes up once now and I just have to go in and give him his binkie and he goes right back to sleep :) And this isn't a big deal or really even worth typing, but I'm gonna say it because it is just more evidence of him growing up... I have been trying to get him for the past few weeks to switch from his baby binkie to the 6+ months binkie. Well, he loves his big boy binkie now... and he realized this on the same day he realized that he no longer wants a bottle! What?!? What 7 month old baby doesn't use a bottle anymore? Apparently, Cash. Yes, he only will drink from his sippie cup now. I know, he's nuts! But hey I guess I don't have to worry about getting rid of the bottle, right? Just two more things now... he is crawling everywhere (as you can see from the last picture). And I have a video of him from a few weeks ago pulling himself up. Is it bad that when he falls at the end you can hear laughter coming from his mom on the video?
Cash on Easter!
He loves his ball :)
Man, time does fly. Sorry for all of the boring rambling about my little guy! I just can't believe all of the fun new things he is doing now!
Have a nice day everyone :)